Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Chapter of Twelve. 2014.

This is the beginning of my new blog.

Actually, I intend not to make a new one this year. But it is just so not me to not gush out words from my soul, to let out what my heart and mind wants to say (Yes, deep!). You see, writing a blog keeps me focused, as I use it as an outlet to see where I am at and use it to plan and organize. This is the exact reason why I am so back baby! I realized I need it bad!

I also said I wouldn't make any New Year's resolution or lists of goals. But I need to take it back as I found my January a little bit disorganized. My energy was shooting out from different directions, doing a lot of small goals all at the same time. It felt like I want to do a lot of things that it seems like I am going no where.

 And so to start off, here are my short and long term goals for 2014!

1. Try to focus on my new work.

I am already on it, might as well give it a shot. Do not waste time by slacking off as if just killing time. Who do you think you are Nika? This attitude makes me end up as a mediocre, when I know somehow, with a little push, I can be better (Maybe in fact, great!). Do not waste all experiences. Always remind self about this.

2. While working, do some studying on the side.

When I say studying, it means knowing what is happening around plus developing hard core basic skills. Reading the broadsheet newspaper at least once a week is a start.

Next, I am also going to try writing and remembering new English words specially every time I encounter a commonly used word I don't know the meaning of. No pressure here, just casually writing new words from time to time.

Aside from that, I would like to improve my use of the English Language. I will attend the 2nd session for Intensive Grammar tomorrow at Speech Power. Let us see if I will enroll for good. I think I will. :)

I like to improve first on my English vocabulary and grammar. Then I'll try Filipino grammar. Then improve my syntax. Then I will break all the grammar rules to write creatively. If given the chance, time and enough money, I would like to enroll into Creative Writing (MA or a one-one tutor at Speech Power, I met a professor that has a wife that teaches Creative Writing) as well. Not this year, maybe next year. But before that I must know all the basics. I know studying grammar can be boring, but I have no choice but to at least try to improve if I am really serious about writing. Besides, good command of the English Language can open a lot of possibilities: a promotion for my current work maybe, or even a professional English Tutor post abroad! :)

3.  Try New Things. Develop New Hobbies.

So, I am placing all the random things I want to try here. I need to accept the fact that I wouldn't be a talented musician any time soon so I don't need to stress myself in learning the Uke and the guitar yet (I know Nika you want this bad, but let passion dictate... you'll get it). I also want to learn how to cook, but I need to accept I wouldn't have cooking as a career (not closing any doors, but maybe not now). Driving too. I don't need to hasten things about driving, I don't plan to be a car racer anyways. Hehehe. But to simply put, I need to categorize everything else as a hobby this year if it is not about work or writing. That way I wouldn't put equal efforts in all of them and feel chokingly overwhelmed.

4.  Improve Health.

It is not about shedding off some weight anymore. It is about health. I will eat healthy and exercise for my health and to feel great. Looking great will come after.

So, there you go! These are by far my organized goals for this year. It is kind of boring, but all doable, basic and important. Somehow, I am done with the young adult phase when trying to be cool, trying to be successful and being competitive is all that matters (I have to admit, I wanted to be great so bad and make people think I am great--- subconsciously).  I don't need that stress right now, or ever. I am hungry for knowledge and new friends and skills yes, but I don't need to be hard on myself. I'll just do everything to improve and have fun! Keep the fire burning! Yeah! Cheers for a new beginning for a smooth 2014! :)

P.S. Pardon with my syntax. I will work on that! Cheerio!