Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday is Speech Power Day! Intensive Grammar Review 6

I enrolled to Speech Power Intensive Grammar Review 6 at their Pedro Gil, Manila branch. I'm attending my 3rd session tomorrow and I am looking forward to it.

In the advent of internet dependency when everything can be electronically downloaded, many would say there is no need to enroll anymore.  I contest to this because of two reasons. First, there is just too much information over the internet that you don't know what's legit or not anymore. Studying with the internet on is also a challenge as one can easily get distracted with his/her urge to check Facebook/Youtube/etc from time to time. Second, I want a teacher that I can ask questions to. Also, a teacher and a class will make everything interactive, making the learning and skill to stick and retain easily. Besides, learning is always fun when you are learning with other people right?

We are only 4 in the class. Occasionally, one or two students will sit-in on the class. It is a very small class so there is bigger room for focus. I can say my skills is a little bit better than them, but I cannot erase the fact that I am learning heaps, specially that my professor is very wise and likes to blurt out random trivia and what-not on the sides. We should always remember that the speed and amount of learning is always dependent on the learner. The more you want to learn, the more you will.

Speech Power Intensive Grammar Review 6 Book for P300.00

For stingy (like me) people out there, it is expensive. But hey! Money is money and it will be used up anyway. Might as well invest on classes. Treat it as an investment. It cost P6,500. You can pay half of it upon enrolment and other half on the 4th day of class. The book is bought separately, which costs P300. You are entitled to 24 hours of session in total with a certificate upon graduation. Classroom is air-conditioned and is very clean.

 I'm just doing some review tonight and here is my own constructed paragraph for one of the exercises.

The True Meaning of Success

Humanity is always in search of gaining success. In my 26 years of existence in this world, I realized that there is no clear definition of the word success. Although Webster dictionary may have its own precise definition, success is actually defined personally and differently by each and everyone of us, and often than not it is not limited to physical or monetary ownership. It is about setting a goal for one's self an learning while on the journey of fulfilling the goal. Whether or not you reached it, what's more important is the relationship you established; and the story and dreams you share and inspire the rest of humanity with. Success is all about learning and satisfaction from it. Therefore, there is no real need to search for success. All you need is to passionately live.

The True Meaning of Success

1. Humanity is always in search of gaining success (Simple sentence). 
2. In my 26 years of existence in this world, I realized that there is no clear definition of the word success (Simple sentence)
3. Although Webster dictionary may have its own precise definition, success is actually defined personally and differently by each and everyone of us, and often than not it is not limited to physical or monetary ownership (Compound-complex sentence).
4. It is about setting a goal for one's self and learning while on the journey of fulfilling the goal (Simple sentence).
5. Whether or not you reached it, what's more important is the relationship you established and the story and dreams you share and inspire the rest of humanity with (Simple Sentence- I checked with my consultant, this is just a long simple sentence.)
6. Success is all about learning and satisfaction from it (Simple sentence).
7. Therefore, there is no real need to search for success (Simple sentence).
8. All you need is to passionately live (Simple sentence).

One of the things that we are studying about right now are sentence structures and functions. I still have to have this checked as I am not sure if my classifications are right. Knowing these will somehow teach me not to make too long sentences as I, and mostly Filipinos usually do.

Alright! Now, I need to take a break. I am now going to watch Pinoy Big Loser Double Edition! Thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. hi thank you for your blog!

    I'm planning to enroll in speech power this summer. Based on your experience if your going to rate speech power from 1-10, what will you give to them?

    thank you.
